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19: Gwaith Gwerful Mechain ac Eraill


19: Gwaith Gwerful Mechain ac Eraill
Holder Image
Author/Editor Nerys Ann Howells
Published 2001
ISBN 0 947531 41 6
Publisher Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru
Price £10.00
Size 234 x 156mm
Format Clawr papur/Paperback, xvi+195

This volume contains an edition of the poetry of Gwerful Mechain, a female poet from Maldwyn who sang in the second half of the fifteenth century and the only Welsh female poet of the Middle Ages of whose work a considerable collection has survived. The variety of themes in her poetry demands attention. Gwerful Mechain composed some of the most direct and uninhibited erotic poetry in the Welsh language, but it is important to recognize that this is only one aspect of her work. She also composed religious cywyddau and vaticinatory englynion and was engaged in discourse poetry with poets such as Dafydd Llwyd of Mathafarn, Ieuan Dyfi and Llywelyn ap Gutun.