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Volume II : Gwaith Llywelyn Fardd I ac Eraill o Feirdd y Ddeuddegfed Ganrif

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Author/Editor K. A. Bramley et al.
Published 1994
ISBN 0708312144
Publisher Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru
Price £45.00
Size 234 x 156mm
Format Clawr caled/Hardback, xxviii+561

This volume, the second in the Poets of the Princes Series, contains the work of the following poets:

  • Llywelyn Fardd I, fl .1147–91, Gwynedd/Powys, poems 1–5
  • Hywel ab Owain Gwynedd, fl. c. 1140–70, Gwynedd, poems 6–13
  • Owain Cyfeiliog, fl . 1156 ( ob. 1197), Powys, poems 14–15
  • Llywarch Llaety, sang ante 1160, Powys, poem 16
  • Llywarch y Nam, sang ante 1160, Powys, poem 17
  • Daniel ap Llosgwrn Mew, fl . 1170, Gwynedd, poem 18
  • Peryf ap Cedifor, fl . 1170, Gwynedd, poems 19–21
  • Seisyll Bryffwrch, ? ante 1160– ante 1174, Gwynedd/Deheubarth, poems 22–4
  • Gwynfardd Brycheiniog, fl. c .1170–80, Deheubarth, poems 25–6
  • Gwilym Rhyfel, fl. c .1170–80, Gwynedd Uwch Conwy (but perhaps from Powys), poems 27–30
  • Gruffudd ap Gwrgenau, last quarter of 12th c., Gwynedd, poems 31–2

‘The edition and translation of the poems will undoubtedly be standard for years to come … There is a vast amount of knowledge which can be gained about literacy, cultural and historical matters of the period in these poems. The team is to be congratulated in making this difficult material so accessible.’ (Studia Celtica)

‘The importance of the Beirdd y Tywysogion project for medieval Welsh studies cannot be overemphasised … Gwaith Llywelyn Fardd is an excellent contribution to the series and its six editors are to be warmly congratulated on their collective achievement … ’ (Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie)