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Volume VI: Gwaith Dafydd Benfras ac Eraill o Feirdd Hanner Cyntaf y Drydedd Ganrif ar Ddeg

Volume VI: Gwaith Dafydd Benfras ac Eraill o Feirdd Hanner Cyntaf y Drydedd Ganrif ar Ddeg

Author/Editor N. G. Costigan (Bosco), R. Geraint Gruffydd, Nerys Ann Jones, Peredur I. Lynch, Catherine McKenna, Morfydd E. Owen & Gruffydd Aled Williams
Published 1995
ISBN 0708313043
Publisher Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru
Price £45.00
Size 234 x 156mm
Format Clawr caled/Hardback, xxvii+581

This volume, the sixth in the Poets of the Princes Series,  contains the work of the following poets:

  • Einion Wan; fl. c. 1202–45, Gwynedd/Powys; poems 1–6
  • Llywelyn Fardd II; fl. c. 1215–80, Powys/Gwynedd; poems 7–10
  • Phylip Brydydd; fl. c. 1300–25, Deheubarth; poems 11–16
  • Gwgon Brydydd; fl . beginning of the 13th c., Gwynedd; poem 17
  • Einion ap Gwgon; fl. c. 1215, Gwynedd; poem 18
  • ‘Mawl Llywelyn ab Iorwerth’, anonymous; c. 1120–40, Gwynedd; poem 19
  • ‘Mawl Llywelyn ab Iorwerth a’i deulu’, anonymous; ?1215, Gwynedd; poem 20
  • Gwernen ap Clyddno; it is not known where this poem was sung; poem 21
  • Goronwy Foel; c .mid-13th c., ?Deheubarth; poem 22
  • Einion ap Madog ap Rhahawd; fl . 1234–9, Gwynedd; poem 23
  • Dafydd Benfras; fl. c. 1220–58, Gwynedd; poems 24–35
  • ‘Cwyn y pererin’, anonymous; ?13th c., ?Gwynedd; poem 36

‘… another splendid example of scholarly collaboration … The importance and value of these editions to scholars in the field cannot be overstated. Bringing together the work of poets who had so much in common in one volume and series will facilitate comparison and detailed study. All the editors who contributed to the volume are to be commended for the high standard of their editions and the clarity of their biographical and textual notes.’ (Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie)