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2008: ‘Anwir anwedhys y mae yn i ysgrifennv ymma’:


2008: ‘Anwir anwedhys y mae yn i ysgrifennv ymma’: Rhai o ymylnodau Edward Lhwyd
Holder Image
Author/Editor Brynley F. Roberts
Published 2009
ISBN 9781907029004
Publisher Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru
Price £2.50
210 x 138 mm
Format Clawr papur/Paperback, 48tt./pp

Edward Lhwyd is known to have owned some 120–150 books (though not necessarily at the same time), but only around sixty-three books bearing his mark of ownership have survived. Thirteen of these – including books such as Le Sacr é Coll ège de J ésus by Julien Maunoir (1659), Grammatica Latino-Hibernica by Francis O Molloy (printed in Rome in 1677), and Commentarioli Britannicae Descriptionis Fragmentum (1572), the last book by the physician, antiquary and historian Humphrey Lhuyd – contain marginal notes by Lhwyd. In this lecture, published in the year of the tercentenary of Edward Lhwyd’s death, Brynley F. Roberts discusses these interesting and revealing marginalia in detail.