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21: Gwaith Dafydd y Coed a Beirdd Eraill o Lyfr Coch Hergest


21: Gwaith Dafydd y Coed a Beirdd Eraill o Lyfr Coch Hergest
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Author/Editor R. Iestyn Daniel
Published 2002
ISBN 0 947531 71 8
Publisher Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru
Price £10.00
Size 234 x 156mm
Format Clawr papur/Paperback, xviii+213

The work of Dafydd y Coed is published here together with that of six other poets of the second half of the fifteenth century whose work is preserved in the Red Book of Hergest. The enormous variation in the topics of the poems – praise poems, religious poems and satyrical poems to specific individuals and places – reflects the variety of the poetry found in this extraordinary manuscript.