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Bardic Circles


Bardic Circles: National, Regional and Personal Identity in the Bardic Vision of Iolo Morganwg
Front Cover of - "Bardic Circles - National Regional and Personal Identity in the Bardic Vision of Iolo Morganwg"
Author/Editor Cathryn A. Charnell-White
Published 2007
Publisher Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru / University of Wales Press
234 x 156 mm
Format Clawr caled a siaced lwch/Hardback with dust jacket, xvi+296

Iolo Morganwg was widely known in his day as the ‘Ancient British Bard’ and as the founder of the Gorsedd of the Bards. This volume discusses the way in which bardism, Iolo Morganwg’s enthralling bardo-druidic vision, serves its creator’s national, regional and personal agendas.

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