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Gwnewch Bopeth yn Gymraeg: Yr Iaith Gymraeg a’i Pheuoedd 1801–1911


Gwnewch Bopeth yn Gymraeg: Yr Iaith Gymraeg a’i Pheuoedd 1801–1911
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Author/Editor Geraint H. Jenkins
Published 1999
ISBN 0708315739
Publisher Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru
Price £25
Size 237 x 154mm
Format Clawr papur/Paperback, xv+598

This is the fifth volume in a ground-breaking series of studies on the social history of the Welsh language.  It contains twenty-two chapters, all written by acknowledged experts in the field, dealing with the status of the Welsh language in a wide range of social domains, including agriculture and industry, education, religion, politics, law and culture. Although bureaucrats, Celtophobes and some of the upwardly mobile Welsh-speaking bourgeoisie were reluctant to promote the interests of the native tongue, there clearly existed an enormous potential for Welsh to become, both numerically and socially, a powerful influence in several contested domains.

An English version of this volume is also available: The Welsh Language and its Social Domains.