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01: Gwaith Bleddyn Ddu


01: Gwaith Bleddyn Ddu
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Author/Editor R. Iestyn Daniel
Published 1994
ISBN 0904058204
Publisher Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru
Price £10.00
210 x 138 mm
Format Clawr papur/Paperback, xv+81

This is the first volume in the Poets of the Nobility Series. A native of Anglesey, Bleddyn Ddu (Bleddyn the Black), known in some manuscripts by his nickname Bleddyn Ddu Was y Cwd (‘the lad with the bag’), flourished c. 1330–85. His six surviving odes – five of which are religious poems and the sixth a lament of the death of the Anglesey nobleman (and ancestor of the Tudor dynasty) Goronwy ap Tudur – look back for their style to the verse of the Poets of the Princes. Bleddyn Ddu also composed numerous englynion , some of which are fiercely satirical. This volume contains an introduction to the poet and his work, the text of fifteen poems, edited here for the first time, variant readings, a paraphrase of each poem, notes and indexes.

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