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03: Gwaith Huw ap Dafydd ap Llywelyn ap Madog


03: Gwaith Huw ap Dafydd ap Llywelyn ap Madog
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Author/Editor A. Cynfael Lake
Published 1995
ISBN 0947531149
Publisher Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru
Price £10.00
210 x 138 mm
Format Clawr papur/Paperback, xvii+235

In this volume is edited the work of Huw ap Dafydd from Nantglyn, who sang in the first half of the sixteenth century, and who was the son of the poet Dafydd ap Llywelyn ap Madog. 23 poems are deemed genuine, being praise poems, elegies, requesting poems and one love poem; also edited are four other poems whose authorship is uncertain. Amongst Huw’s patrons were Sir William Gruffudd, chamberlain of Gwynedd, Sir Roger Salisbury of Lleweni and Robert ap Rhys of Plas Iolyn. He also sang to a number of lay and ecclesiastical patrons who lived in north-east Wales, his poems to them being the only poetry which has remained which addresses them.

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