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Celtic Culture:


Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia - 5 Volumes
Holder Image
Author/Editor John T. Koch
Published 2006
ISBN 9781851094400
Publisher ABC-CLIO
Size 285 x 220 mm, 5 cyfrol/volumes
Format Clawr caled/Hardback, 1538tt./pp., 367 o ddarluniau/illustrations

The fruit of a five-year research project at the Centre, this Encyclopedia is designed for the use of everyone interested in Celtic studies and also for those interested in many related and subsidiary fields, including the individual Celtic countries and their languages, literatures, archaeology, history, folklore, and mythology. In its chronological scope, the Encyclopedia covers subjects from the Hallstatt and La Tène periods of the later pre-Roman Iron Age to the beginning of the 21st century. Geographically, as well as including the Celtic civilizations of Ireland, Britain, and Brittany (Armorica) from ancient times to the present, it also covers the ancient Continental Celts of Gaul, the Iberian peninsula, and central and eastern Europe, together with the Galatians of present-day Turkey, and it then follows the Celtic diaspora into the Americas and Australia. Those primarily interested in Wales, Welsh literature, and the Welsh language will find the subjects treated in depth here within their broader context.

  • 5 Volumes
  • 1,500,000 words
  • 2,128 pages + lviii (format: double column, 8-1/2 x 11 inches)
  • 1,569 entries, ranging in length from 100 to over 10,000 words, covering Celtic Studies in depth and are fully integrated with a clear system of internal cross-references
  • 10,000-item Bibliography in Volume 5
  • 367 illustrations
  • 59 maps
  • 338 contributors representing the leading edge of research currently being carried out at all centres of Celtic Studies around the world
  • Available in print and e-book formats

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